Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SS11 Homework due Thursday, 30 September

Please find a few details on the financial policies of two of the five national parties listed on your political parties table.  Then,  attach a comment to this post outlining which party you think you would most likely support in an election and tell why.  Your post need only be about five sentences long.

You will be designing your own political party next class and in the next few classes you will have a government unit pre-exam.  You really should be reviewing material such as the Quizlet cards.


  1. the party that i would most likley support when i am old enough to vote is the green party. The party is all about supporting the envierment and trying to clean up the polution and reduce gobal warming. Their financial issues are all to fix the issue with to much global warming, littering, making mills cleaner, ect. yes people would most likely loose jobs but they could have jobs because the party would need people to help clean the earth and they cant just do it themselves. that is why i would vote and support the green party. :)

  2. The party that I would join is, the green party. I mainly would like to join this party because the Green party is all for the enviroment and cleaning up the earth. I think supporting the green party would be a good use of tax payers money. And if it was something we invested in, it would help out our earth for the generations, comming.

  3. YAY! I'd vote green party too.(I'm sure that's a huge suprise to everyone! HAH!) Because the serious issues threatening our environment are extremely important to me. I think that a goverment that is super focused on lessening our impact on the environment, and uses its power to clean up industrial pollution and other threats to our planet is terribly important at this time.

  4. I honestly don't know who to vote for. The Green party is all about spending money on the environment, which is good but that means a loss of jobs and more taxes. Yet I don't really think the idea of cutting our budgets because it feels like we won't recieve the best health care or education as possible. So I'm still deciding for now.

  5. Yes, Khoya, it is a difficult decision. Sometimes I like a party's platform, but when I hear their candidate in my riding, I don't warm to the person. That is for me, one of the biggest problems with the parliamentary system. To take it one step further, what if you like the ideology/platform of a party, but you think the leader couldn't lead kids to eat candy in a candy shop? That issue has plagued many of the Canadian federal parties in the recent past.

  6. I would vote for the green party. This is because our world needs change. The green party has this change if we just give them a chance. our earth is going to keep on suffering if we dont do something. So vote green and change our planet toooooday.

  7. I think that I would vote for the green party. They make a good point about improving the environment. If they actualy do what they say they're going to do, then they have my vote. Yes, there are pros and cons to it just like everything else, but the biggest pro is a better environment.

  8. I dont really know who I'd vote for but if I had to choose I'd pick the green party. I like how they care very much about the environment and how they want to do something. Unfortunatly I don't really care about all this government stuff, maybe when I'm older I will but right now... hmmmm yeahh.

  9. I would either vote for the Green party or the Liberals. One thing to think about with the Green party is that they're all for spending and how do we know they won't just put us into further debt? Although I agree with their intention I don't kno if I agree with their methods. What I like about the Liberals is that they can spend money on what we NEED and save in other areas. Unfortunately they aren't hugely into saving the planet and what not. A Green Liberal party would be what I like :)

  10. I do not know who I would vote for. I see lots of pros and cons of each party. I feel like I do not know enough about each party to make a decision.

  11. In order for me to vote I would have to dig deeper into each party. There are things I like about one party but really dislike at the same time. I would need to take my time to think it over and really follow the campaigns and really have to trust the person I was voting for... So right now Im not sure who I would vote for or who I like best.
