This is a blog designed for students to gain access to information regarding Mr. Marshall's courses at Pender Harbour Secondary School, and as a means of networking to share ideas. Visit my new classroom blog at
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Special Novel Study Alert: Thursday, 23 Dec
Yippee! I have the novels at my house. Who is willing to act as librarian/distributer? I don't mind coming up to Pender to drop them off at someone's place. Then the rest of the group could arrange to pick the books up from there. Or, if someone is coming past West Sechelt, he/she could pick them up. My number is 604-885-2004. A map to my house is on the En12, Dec 14 post.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The forum for discussion and further organization of the English 12 Novel Study is here:
You will have to create an account, though it shouldn't take long. Once you have created an account you can start posting right away. If you have any problems, just e-mail Rowan at, or contact him in some other manner.
Rowan: 604-883-9238
Mr. Marshall 604-885-2004
You will have to create an account, though it shouldn't take long. Once you have created an account you can start posting right away. If you have any problems, just e-mail Rowan at, or contact him in some other manner.
Rowan: 604-883-9238
Mr. Marshall 604-885-2004
Thursday, December 16, 2010
En 12: Notes from Thursday, 16 Dec
Today we finished the play and discussed the format of Friday's objective test. I noted that one question will relate to the idea of the "Greek tragic hero" (sometimes referred to as an Aristotilian tragic hero. Here are the basics:
a) these characters are basically good people
b) however, they have a basic flaw, of which they are unaware, and that flaw causes their downfall (death?) *the flaw is often greed or hubris (pride)
c) they realize their flaw, but only after it's too late to stop their fall (if they didn't realize their flaw and try to fix it, their fall would be "random" and unsatisfying for the audience).
d) the audience knows about the flaw before the characters do; as the characters realize their flaws they can unburden themselves - this is cathartic for them AND the audience.
Remember, you must know the characters names for the first two sections of the test. Also, it would be wise to review your quotable quotations. Didn't writeany down? Go on-line and do a Hamlet quotations search. Good luck.
Don't forget breakfast, tomorrow.
a) these characters are basically good people
b) however, they have a basic flaw, of which they are unaware, and that flaw causes their downfall (death?) *the flaw is often greed or hubris (pride)
c) they realize their flaw, but only after it's too late to stop their fall (if they didn't realize their flaw and try to fix it, their fall would be "random" and unsatisfying for the audience).
d) the audience knows about the flaw before the characters do; as the characters realize their flaws they can unburden themselves - this is cathartic for them AND the audience.
Remember, you must know the characters names for the first two sections of the test. Also, it would be wise to review your quotable quotations. Didn't writeany down? Go on-line and do a Hamlet quotations search. Good luck.
Don't forget breakfast, tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
En 12: notes from Wed 15 Dec
Thanks to all who have been working so hard to collect donations for the class food hamper drive.
Please ensure you've completed the reading of Act V, ii for tomorrow's class. We'll review it and then go over the format for the objective final to be written on Friday.
Please ensure you've completed the reading of Act V, ii for tomorrow's class. We'll review it and then go over the format for the objective final to be written on Friday.
SS11: notes fro Wednesday, 15 Dec
Today we reviewed the Paris Peace and Canada's step towards autonomy. We then reviewed the other steps Canada took to increase her independence from Britain in the 20s and 30s. Next, we did a paragraph writing workshop using the topic of autonomy as our focus. Thanks to those of you who shared your writing ideas.
Please complete a paragraph to hand in on Friday:
"Discuss the steps Canada took to achieve autonomy in the twentieth century."
Please complete a paragraph to hand in on Friday:
"Discuss the steps Canada took to achieve autonomy in the twentieth century."
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
En 11-2:Notes from Tues 14 Dec
Today we read Act 3, Scenes iv-vi. We discussed the banquet scene and how Macbeth would likely act/behave/think/feel during this powerful scene. We also find out from Hecate, the queen of the witches, that Macbeth is going to return for more prophesies. I wonder how that is going to turn out. In Scene vi, we learn from Lennox that people in the land are questioning Macbeth's throne and the likelihood that all of these sons would be killing their fathers - they seem to lack a motive. Macbeth, the tyrant, might have to watch his back now that Macduff is gone to England.
Remember to post a journal comment to the blog - if you have computer issues, you may hand in your journal entries by hand. Yes, your entries will be given a mark.
Remember, also, to read the play and prepare to read your parts:
Remember to post a journal comment to the blog - if you have computer issues, you may hand in your journal entries by hand. Yes, your entries will be given a mark.
Remember, also, to read the play and prepare to read your parts:
En 11-1: Notes from Tues 14 Dec
We read and discussed Act 4 (we got to line 130 of Scene 3). We took notes for Act 4, Scene 1 and noted the new prophesies given to Macbeth during his visit to the witches. Please ensure you have read all of Act for for Thursday - expect a reading quiz.
En 12: Notes from Tues, 14 Dec
Today we read and discussed Act IV, v-vi. We also watched two versions of Scene v in order to see how this could be acted.
Tomorrow we will read and discuss IV, vii and perhaps V, i. We decided to have our objective test on Friday.
Those interested in collecting for the food bank/hampers in West Sechelt, can meet at my place at 6pm tonight. Bring boxes to hold whatever we collect. Aurora and Brittany are coming; if you need a ride you may ask one of them for help.
Tomorrow we will read and discuss IV, vii and perhaps V, i. We decided to have our objective test on Friday.
Those interested in collecting for the food bank/hampers in West Sechelt, can meet at my place at 6pm tonight. Bring boxes to hold whatever we collect. Aurora and Brittany are coming; if you need a ride you may ask one of them for help.
En 10: Notes from Tues 14 Dec
Today we practiced our plays and worked on places we should pause or add emphasis. We also looked how to structure an essay and worked on designing a thesis statement and connecting it to the themes (big ideas) of a topic.
Tomorrow we will finish our looking at how to outline an essay and then you will write your Henry V leadership essay.
On Thursday we will review for your objective test which will be Friday.
Tomorrow we will finish our looking at how to outline an essay and then you will write your Henry V leadership essay.
On Thursday we will review for your objective test which will be Friday.
Friday, December 10, 2010
En 10: Notes from Friday 10 Dec

Enjoy the weekend.
En 12: Notes from 10 Dec
Today we organized the extra (optional) novel study and discussed the end of Act 3. We also looked at some questions that I normally assign as an in-class writing "test" (I'm getting soft - and lazy). Please find reading parts for Act 4. Those missed can make it up in Act 5. Please have all of Act 4 read for Monday; I may give you a reading quiz - it's almost time for a rest, but please hang in there until the 17th.
Have a nice weekend.
Have a nice weekend.
En 12: Extra Novel Study: Notes from 10 Dec
We decided to do both "The Fallen" and "OFOTCN" as "extra credit" novel studies. I don't know how much extra credit I can give - if you're just doing this for extra marks, it might not be the most fruitful exercise for you; I'm participating so that those interested can have an "enriched" course. Students will participate in a "student-directed," Internet-based discussion forum that will be designed by Rowan. I will participate as a guest. I will also be able to design some prompts for a culminating writing activity if you decide that's what you'd like. We also decided to build in some reading progress deadlines to ensure that this endevour is completed before exam preparation begins. I will contact Ms. Brindley to get permission to buy some copies of the novel.
En 11-1: From Friday, 10 Dec
Today we acted out the murder of Banquo and saw how much easier it is to understand what is going on when we imagine the scene in the context of action on stage. I thought the performances were quite good.
Please remember to practice you lines before class so you can do the best job possible when you read for us. I'm trying not to boss manage you, but the group's general lack of effort in getting assignments done is testing me. I too, am ready for a break, but that doesn't start until Dec 17.
Please remember, also, it is your responsibility to post journal comments to the blog. If you ever have technical difficulty, do your entry on paper and bring it to class.
Please remember to practice you lines before class so you can do the best job possible when you read for us. I'm trying not to boss manage you, but the group's general lack of effort in getting assignments done is testing me. I too, am ready for a break, but that doesn't start until Dec 17.
Please remember, also, it is your responsibility to post journal comments to the blog. If you ever have technical difficulty, do your entry on paper and bring it to class.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Special English 12 post re: extra-credit novel study
This is one of the proposed novels:,,9780143012207,00.html
The other choice would be:
Let me know - time is running out.
The other choice would be:
Let me know - time is running out.
SS 11: Notes from Thursday, 9 Dec
We did our second big unit test today - it will be a good measure of how you're doing. We spent lots of time on WW1, but I wanted to give you some depth, rather than just covering a lot of factoids. Next week we will discuss the Paris Peace Conferences of 1919. We'll also look at some of the other post-war events connected to Canada's growing autonomy.
Please read pp. 72-73 in you workbook and the photocopies in your post-WW1 study package prior to Monday's class. You will also need the Paris Peace worksheets that you completed prior to your exam.
Enjoy your weekends
Please read pp. 72-73 in you workbook and the photocopies in your post-WW1 study package prior to Monday's class. You will also need the Paris Peace worksheets that you completed prior to your exam.
Enjoy your weekends
En 12: Notes from Thursday, 9 Dec
I thought the readings of Act III, scenes iii-iv were very well done: there were few mispronounced words and those who read were able to put some good emotion into their parts - bravo.
I hate shortened blocks - I had hoped to finish our discussion of Act III and look towards Act IV (which has many short scenes - ask yourself what dramatic effect these short scenes would have). We'll assign reading parts for the last two acts, tomorrow. I've decided to come in so that we can move forward - it's a sick person who feels he can't be replaced (pardon the pun).
I'm worried that some people are going to lower their grades because they're not doing their journal blogging? Any ideas? Am I being too paternalistic? HELP.
I hate shortened blocks - I had hoped to finish our discussion of Act III and look towards Act IV (which has many short scenes - ask yourself what dramatic effect these short scenes would have). We'll assign reading parts for the last two acts, tomorrow. I've decided to come in so that we can move forward - it's a sick person who feels he can't be replaced (pardon the pun).
I'm worried that some people are going to lower their grades because they're not doing their journal blogging? Any ideas? Am I being too paternalistic? HELP.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
En 11-1: Parts for Friday, 10 Dec
Just in case we get there, please prepare the following parts for reading on Friday:
Scene 4:
Macbeth: Ashley
Lady M: Emma
Ross: Mike
Lennox: Brandon
Scene 5:
First Witch: Angie
Hecate: Chelsea
Scene 6:
Lennox: Jake
Lord: Ben
Scene 4:
Macbeth: Ashley
Lady M: Emma
Ross: Mike
Lennox: Brandon
Scene 5:
First Witch: Angie
Hecate: Chelsea
Scene 6:
Lennox: Jake
Lord: Ben
En 11-2: Notes from Wednesday, 8 Dec
Today we took some time away from Macbeth to address our social responsibility as members of our class. On that point, we watched a 10-minute lecture on the future of education (or at least one man's view of it). I hope you all had reason to think during, and afterwords. Here are our next reading parts:
For Friday Act III, scenes 1 - 6, please read and be prepared to present your character (if you have trouble pronouncing any words - see me; you can also check out No Fear Shakespeare to help you understand what's going on in the scene (is the character happy, mad, afraid, etc?):
Scene 1:
Banquo: Liz
Macbeth: Madison
Lady Macbeth: Samantha
First Murderer: Shyla
Second Murderer: Luke
Scene 2:
Lady Macbeth: Courtney
Servant: Samantha
Macbeth: Savannah
Scene 3:
First Murderer: Cody
Second Murderer: Quinn
Third Murder: Gus
Banquo: Sam
Scene 4:
Macbeth: Khoya
Lady M: Kari
Murderer: Austin
Ross: Joel
Lennox: Carson
Scene 5:
First Witch: Amber
Hecate: Liz
Scene 6:
Lennox: Madison
Lord: Stephanie
Good luck.
For Friday Act III, scenes 1 - 6, please read and be prepared to present your character (if you have trouble pronouncing any words - see me; you can also check out No Fear Shakespeare to help you understand what's going on in the scene (is the character happy, mad, afraid, etc?):
Scene 1:
Banquo: Liz
Macbeth: Madison
Lady Macbeth: Samantha
First Murderer: Shyla
Second Murderer: Luke
Scene 2:
Lady Macbeth: Courtney
Servant: Samantha
Macbeth: Savannah
Scene 3:
First Murderer: Cody
Second Murderer: Quinn
Third Murder: Gus
Banquo: Sam
Scene 4:
Macbeth: Khoya
Lady M: Kari
Murderer: Austin
Ross: Joel
Lennox: Carson
Scene 5:
First Witch: Amber
Hecate: Liz
Scene 6:
Lennox: Madison
Lord: Stephanie
Good luck.
En 10: Notes from 8 Dec
Today we reviewed the Act 2 homework from last class. We also read and discussed the first two scenes from Act 3. Please write a summary of Act 3, Scenes i-ii and hand in on Friday. It should be a half page to one page in length. Be sure to explain the motivation (or reasons) for any character's actions.
We will try to finish reading Act 3 on Friday. We will be acting out Scene 3.
We will try to finish reading Act 3 on Friday. We will be acting out Scene 3.
En 10: From Wednesday, 8 Dec
Today we watched the second and third part of the documentary; I can't find it on You Tube, but this will give you the idea:
We practiced our parts - see yesterday's comment to remind yourself what you're supposed to be doing. Practice, practice, practice. Use cue cards if they will help.
We'll watch the rest of the documentary tomorrow. Then we will get ready to write.
We practiced our parts - see yesterday's comment to remind yourself what you're supposed to be doing. Practice, practice, practice. Use cue cards if they will help.
We'll watch the rest of the documentary tomorrow. Then we will get ready to write.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
English 12: Notes from 7 Dec
Today we read and then viewed samples of the "To be or not to be" speech. If you missed the class check out this speech on YouTube by these guys:
Kenneth Brannagh, Laurence Olivier, Mel Gibson, and, Kevin Klein. We had a discussion about suicide in society and Taylor noted that suicide would cause problems for Hamlet in terms of his being a Christian - good work, Taylor. Next, we did a paired reading activity designed to give understanding into the nature of the debate that Hamlet has with himself as he ponders his choice.
Here are the parts for Act 3: (student, scene to read)
King: Rebecca (i), Taylor (ii), Taylor (iii)
Queen: Chloe (i), Madison (ii), ............................ Rebecca (iv)
Hamlet: Rowan (i), Aurora (ii), Mitchell J. (iii), Aurora (iv)
Polonius: Lauren (i), Michael (ii), Hayley (iii), Mitchell J. (iv)
Ophelia: Aurora (i)
Horatio: ....................... Travis (ii)
Rosencrantz: Brittany (i), James (ii), Eileen (iii)
Guildenstern: Madison (i), Morgan (ii), Brittany (iii)
First Player: ........................ Lauren (ii)
Lucianus: ........................ Hayley (ii)
Player King: .........................Rowan (ii)
Player Queen: .........................Rebecca (ii)
Ghost: .....................................................................Taylor (iv)
Kenneth Brannagh, Laurence Olivier, Mel Gibson, and, Kevin Klein. We had a discussion about suicide in society and Taylor noted that suicide would cause problems for Hamlet in terms of his being a Christian - good work, Taylor. Next, we did a paired reading activity designed to give understanding into the nature of the debate that Hamlet has with himself as he ponders his choice.
Here are the parts for Act 3: (student, scene to read)
King: Rebecca (i), Taylor (ii), Taylor (iii)
Queen: Chloe (i), Madison (ii), ............................ Rebecca (iv)
Hamlet: Rowan (i), Aurora (ii), Mitchell J. (iii), Aurora (iv)
Polonius: Lauren (i), Michael (ii), Hayley (iii), Mitchell J. (iv)
Ophelia: Aurora (i)
Horatio: ....................... Travis (ii)
Rosencrantz: Brittany (i), James (ii), Eileen (iii)
Guildenstern: Madison (i), Morgan (ii), Brittany (iii)
First Player: ........................ Lauren (ii)
Lucianus: ........................ Hayley (ii)
Player King: .........................Rowan (ii)
Player Queen: .........................Rebecca (ii)
Ghost: .....................................................................Taylor (iv)
SS11: notes from Tuesday, 07 December
Today, we looked at using the SPERM-G acronym (memory aide made up of initials). The "G" can stand for government or geography - it depends what helps best with the question under discussion. The key is that you take time to use the acronym to help during the pre-writing stage - please don't just start writing or you risk completing an unorganized and incomplete response. We did a practice brain storm on the topic of "conscription."
We also examined the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary evidence/sources. On your exam you can expect to be asked to interpret a primary document (a photo). Follow these steps:
a) i.d. the source as primary or secondary (a stand alone photo on the test is considered a primary doc)
b) what is it and where is it from
c) what is it discussing/showing
d) what exactly do you read about or see (it's okay to give things you "suppose" or "logically conclude;" it's okay to say "Perhaps..."
e) what is the "so what?" for this piece - make connections.
We did a sample examination on a primary source (a photo) from the Battle of the Somme.
Your test is on Thursday - it will be 50 minutes long - STUDY, STUDY, AND STUDY.
We also examined the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary evidence/sources. On your exam you can expect to be asked to interpret a primary document (a photo). Follow these steps:
a) i.d. the source as primary or secondary (a stand alone photo on the test is considered a primary doc)
b) what is it and where is it from
c) what is it discussing/showing
d) what exactly do you read about or see (it's okay to give things you "suppose" or "logically conclude;" it's okay to say "Perhaps..."
e) what is the "so what?" for this piece - make connections.
We did a sample examination on a primary source (a photo) from the Battle of the Somme.
Your test is on Thursday - it will be 50 minutes long - STUDY, STUDY, AND STUDY.
En 10: Notes from Tuesday, 7 Dec
Today, we filled out the writing logs with the St. Crispin's speech paragraph information. Next, we divided into two troupes and chose parts to perform a 15-minute version of the play. We then read through the play a few times and practiced our parts. Finally, we watched the first ten minutes of a five part documentary on the real battle at Agincourt. The information from the documentary will help us write our next piece that is focused on Henry V's leadership. This is designed to allow us to practice blending information from multiple sources - something you will be doing on your provincial exam, only 25 classes from now.
Few of you are posting comments to the blog after your Shakespeare classes - this will lower your unit mark since the blog is filling the role of a journal.
Few of you are posting comments to the blog after your Shakespeare classes - this will lower your unit mark since the blog is filling the role of a journal.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Eng 12: From Monday, 6 December
Today, I returned the Polonius' advice paragraphs; they were quite good. If anyone wishes, he or she may rewrite (after some help?) the paragraph and submit it for remarking.
We finished reading the longest scene in the play (II,ii); I always find the second half drags a bit until the soliloquy at the end. Any thoughts on that? Is that Shakespeare showing off the prowess of the actors' intellect or is it more valuable? Does it establish mood for the upcoming scene? If so, consider the role of Polonius' interruptions.
Please remember to post a comment. Have a nice afternoon and thanks for your quickly prepared dramatic readings today. In general, I'd say, as I usually do, that most of us read the scenes too quickly - always ask: "where would some movement on stage logically interrupt the words?"
We finished reading the longest scene in the play (II,ii); I always find the second half drags a bit until the soliloquy at the end. Any thoughts on that? Is that Shakespeare showing off the prowess of the actors' intellect or is it more valuable? Does it establish mood for the upcoming scene? If so, consider the role of Polonius' interruptions.
Please remember to post a comment. Have a nice afternoon and thanks for your quickly prepared dramatic readings today. In general, I'd say, as I usually do, that most of us read the scenes too quickly - always ask: "where would some movement on stage logically interrupt the words?"
En 11-2: Notes from Monday, 6 December
Today we read and discussed Act II, sc iii-iv. We reviewed some of the whacky things that occurred around the time of Duncan's death:
a) please write one brief paragraph outlining the weird occurrences from the following three scenes:
II, ii, 33
II, iii, 55-62 (or 36-43 in blue copies) Lennox is speaking
II , iv, 1-20
For homework, please answer the following from the student study package handouts:
b) Act 2 "Reading and Vocab. Check" - do the five questions from the top of the page and then match the 16 vocab. terms to their definitions.
c) do the ROUND BULLETED questions (there are seven of them) from the Act 2 question sheet at the back of the handout (leave the questions with the large square bullets).
a) please write one brief paragraph outlining the weird occurrences from the following three scenes:
II, ii, 33
II, iii, 55-62 (or 36-43 in blue copies) Lennox is speaking
II , iv, 1-20
For homework, please answer the following from the student study package handouts:
b) Act 2 "Reading and Vocab. Check" - do the five questions from the top of the page and then match the 16 vocab. terms to their definitions.
c) do the ROUND BULLETED questions (there are seven of them) from the Act 2 question sheet at the back of the handout (leave the questions with the large square bullets).
En 11-1: Notes from Monday, 6 Dec
Today we answered the following from the student study package handouts:
a) Act 2 "Reading and Vocab Check" - do the five questions from the top of the page and then match the 16 vocab terms to their definitions.
b) do the ROUND BULLETED questions (there are seven of them) from the Act 2 question sheet at the back of the handout (leave the questions with the large square bullets).
c) make subtext notes on the handout with Macbeth and Banquo's conversation III, i, 1-51 (especially the lines we highlighted together).
d) look at Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1 and make one comment on Macbeth's thoughts/feelings for each of the following divisions of the speech:
lines 47-54
lines 54-60
lines 61-64
lines 64-72
a) Act 2 "Reading and Vocab Check" - do the five questions from the top of the page and then match the 16 vocab terms to their definitions.
b) do the ROUND BULLETED questions (there are seven of them) from the Act 2 question sheet at the back of the handout (leave the questions with the large square bullets).
c) make subtext notes on the handout with Macbeth and Banquo's conversation III, i, 1-51 (especially the lines we highlighted together).
d) look at Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1 and make one comment on Macbeth's thoughts/feelings for each of the following divisions of the speech:
lines 47-54
lines 54-60
lines 61-64
lines 64-72
Friday, December 3, 2010
En 10: Notes from 03 December
Today we did some editing practice on our Henry V speech paragraphs and then watched the film version of the play.
If you did not do your homework and were unable to hand in a paragraph today, you must get it in by Monday's class. Have a nice weekend.
If you did not do your homework and were unable to hand in a paragraph today, you must get it in by Monday's class. Have a nice weekend.
En 12: from Friday, 03 December
Today we watched the Act II, i pantomimes - thanks for your efforts. We then got into Scene iii, as far as the point where Rosencrantz and Guildenstern fess up to Hamlet that they were indeed "sent for." Please post a journal comment and have a restful weekend.
Any word on when you'd like to collect for the food hamper?
Any word on when you'd like to collect for the food hamper?
Socials 11: Notes from Friday, 03 December
Today we watched four episodes from the "Canada: A People's History" series. We discussed each in turn and noted the what/so what relationships of each. I also issued a study package for the home front and the peace treaty process. Ensure you have those sheets done for Tuesday - I'll be giving you a quick quiz and the questions will come right off those sheets.
On Tuesday, we will review for the unit test that will occur on Thursday! Have a nice weekend, but be sure to do your homework. Go into the winter break knowing you've earned a rest after some hard work.
On Tuesday, we will review for the unit test that will occur on Thursday! Have a nice weekend, but be sure to do your homework. Go into the winter break knowing you've earned a rest after some hard work.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
En 11-1: Notes from Thursday, 02 December
Today, we finished reading Act II. It is interesting to note that the murder and its discovery is not in Act III and therefore, not the climax of the play. Hmmm. I wonder what is to come. We shall be revisited by the discussion of bloody hands and Lady Macbeth, later in the play. Are you playing attention to all of the references to blood - that in itself would be an interesting study (it shows up 23 times, and bloody appears 14 more times).
Please ensure you complete your paragraph discussions about the evnts that occur around the time of Duncan's death - could horses really eat each other?
Also, please ensure you are prepared to read your next set of parts aloud on Monday. I'll try to balance things so that everyone gets a chance to read some of the longer speeches - try not to feel like you're being picked on if it works out that you get some big parts issued to you back-to-back.
For Monday Act III, scenes 1 - 3, please read:
Scene 1:
Banquo: Jake
Macbeth: Kohl
Lady Macbeth: Aisha
First Murderer: Chelsea
Second Murderer: Ben
Scene 2:
Lady Macbeth: Ashley
Servant: Emily
Macbeth: Brandon
Scene 3:
First Murderer: Mike
Second Murderer: Maciek
Third Murder: Jake
Banquo: Angie
Have a nice weekend.
Please ensure you complete your paragraph discussions about the evnts that occur around the time of Duncan's death - could horses really eat each other?
Also, please ensure you are prepared to read your next set of parts aloud on Monday. I'll try to balance things so that everyone gets a chance to read some of the longer speeches - try not to feel like you're being picked on if it works out that you get some big parts issued to you back-to-back.
For Monday Act III, scenes 1 - 3, please read:
Scene 1:
Banquo: Jake
Macbeth: Kohl
Lady Macbeth: Aisha
First Murderer: Chelsea
Second Murderer: Ben
Scene 2:
Lady Macbeth: Ashley
Servant: Emily
Macbeth: Brandon
Scene 3:
First Murderer: Mike
Second Murderer: Maciek
Third Murder: Jake
Banquo: Angie
Have a nice weekend.
En11-2: notes from Thursday, 02 December
Today, we discussed the Centron internet filter and some wider issues concerning the school and our parts in it. I thought you all participated in the discussion maturely and with just the right balance of seriousness and humour. I am regularly impressed by how students in our school can respond positively to the issues we face. I hope you can take the tone of our time together and transfer it to other aspects of your lives. It's so easy to be negative, judgmental and sarcastic and so difficult to live with integrity and to treat others with respect and empathy, especially if those around you are not doing the same. You have a year-and-a-half left to leave the lasting impression of your time at the school that others will judge you by; what will it be? Bennett and Adam have come back to volunteer to coach the basketball team and I am proud to be able to say that as their teacher, I had a hand in their development. I hope I will be able to say the same about each and every one of you, when you've moved on to bigger and better things.
Please post a comment to the blog to comment on the beginning of Act II of Macbeth. You can speak to any aspect of Scenes i-ii that you wish. Also, don't forget to read Act II, Scenes iii-iv (the rest of it). I hope you read this and can prepare to read the following parts aloud on Monday:
Scene 3
Porter: Jay, Carson
Macduff: Kari, Sam
Lennox: Cody, Stephanie
Macbeth: Madison, Sanannah
Lady Macbeth: Amber, Shyla
Donalbain: Austin, Quinn
Malcolm: Sarah, Sam
Banquo: Allison, Luke
Scene 4
Old Man: Courtney, Khoya
Ross: Joel, Liz
Macduff: Gus, Samantha
Please post a comment to the blog to comment on the beginning of Act II of Macbeth. You can speak to any aspect of Scenes i-ii that you wish. Also, don't forget to read Act II, Scenes iii-iv (the rest of it). I hope you read this and can prepare to read the following parts aloud on Monday:
Scene 3
Porter: Jay, Carson
Macduff: Kari, Sam
Lennox: Cody, Stephanie
Macbeth: Madison, Sanannah
Lady Macbeth: Amber, Shyla
Donalbain: Austin, Quinn
Malcolm: Sarah, Sam
Banquo: Allison, Luke
Scene 4
Old Man: Courtney, Khoya
Ross: Joel, Liz
Macduff: Gus, Samantha
En 12: Notes from Thursday, 02 December
We opened the class deciding to do a food hamper drive some afternoon/evening in the near future - please talk it up with the other grads - Go Pender!
We spent the bulk of the class editing our Polonius' advice paragraphs. They are due in on Friday - yippee - marking this weekend for Mr. Marshall.
We read Act II, Sc i and started to practice short pantomimes of the meeting with Ophelia and Hamlet, as described by Ophelia, starting at line 77. We'll have some giggles watching those mini-performances, first thing tomorrow.
Please read Act II, Sc ii for tomorrow. I'd like the following people to prepare to read aloud:
King: Brittany
Polonius: Taylor (first half), Rowan (second half)
Queen: Eileen
Gildenstern: Timo
Rosencrantz: Morgan
Voltimand: Hayley
Hammy: Mitch Jones (first half), Aurora (second half)
First Player: Becky (+ everyone else in case becky doesn't read the blog)
With this we can start to read Act 3 over the weekend.
We spent the bulk of the class editing our Polonius' advice paragraphs. They are due in on Friday - yippee - marking this weekend for Mr. Marshall.
We read Act II, Sc i and started to practice short pantomimes of the meeting with Ophelia and Hamlet, as described by Ophelia, starting at line 77. We'll have some giggles watching those mini-performances, first thing tomorrow.
Please read Act II, Sc ii for tomorrow. I'd like the following people to prepare to read aloud:
King: Brittany
Polonius: Taylor (first half), Rowan (second half)
Queen: Eileen
Gildenstern: Timo
Rosencrantz: Morgan
Voltimand: Hayley
Hammy: Mitch Jones (first half), Aurora (second half)
First Player: Becky (+ everyone else in case becky doesn't read the blog)
With this we can start to read Act 3 over the weekend.
En 12
Brittany and I couldn't post her comment to the Blog because of $#?! Centron - so here it is.
"While watching the movie, i found that listening to the words was difficult. the idea was there,
the imagery of the play was there, but that just is a small part in the play itself. Reading the play i think
is much more helpful in learning, but the movie is very good and is close to the play Hamlet."
"While watching the movie, i found that listening to the words was difficult. the idea was there,
the imagery of the play was there, but that just is a small part in the play itself. Reading the play i think
is much more helpful in learning, but the movie is very good and is close to the play Hamlet."
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today we had a writing workshop to practice the techniques we discussed in yesterday's class. We will use the first 20 minutes of tomorrow's class to finish and then work on a pantomime activity for Act II, Scene i. There is no need to post a journal comment today.
Enjoy the Canucks game, or Survivor, or both!
Enjoy the Canucks game, or Survivor, or both!
En 10: from 1 December

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
English 11: from Nov 30
Please remember to post "journal" comments to the blog regularly.
Group 1 should review their parts for reading in scenes 2-3.
Group 2 will start Act 2 next day. Please ensure you have all pre-read Scenes 1-3. I'll assign parts for performance next class.
Group 1 should review their parts for reading in scenes 2-3.
Group 2 will start Act 2 next day. Please ensure you have all pre-read Scenes 1-3. I'll assign parts for performance next class.
English 12: From Tuesday, 30 November
I hope you enjoyed the film - it is a good study aid because it follows the text in the play so closely. Tomorrow we will write a paragraph to practice some of the strategies we practiced today and then we'll look at Act II, Scene 1. We'll do some interpretaion on the first half of the scene and some pantomime of the second half - I hope you have some laughs "acting" an "antic" Hamlet. Please ensure you pre-read the scene if you've not yet done so.
En 10: Notes from Tuesday, 30 Nov
Today, we looked at some famous speaches from the twentieth century. We then looked at persuasive and emotional lines from the St. Crispan's speech. Next day we will watc the rest of the movie. Please remember to post a comment, especially if you've not done so yet.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Socials 11: Notes from Friday, 26 Nov
On Friday, we had a chance to listen to almost half of the class give their presentations. I thought the PowerPoint slides were for the most part, quite good and I was pleased with how you managed to incorporate many of the characteristics that I showed you in terms of good slide layout and design. I was hoping that the audience would have been able to ask more questions of the presenters - that will come. On Wednesday we will hear the rest of the class speak, and on Friday we will look at some of the issues that concerned Canada's Home Front.
On Friday, we will also be using the learning you gained researching your PowerPoint presentation to learn how to write a proper "what/so what" history paragraph (this would not be a good class to miss).
On Friday, we will also be using the learning you gained researching your PowerPoint presentation to learn how to write a proper "what/so what" history paragraph (this would not be a good class to miss).
Friday, November 26, 2010
En 12: Notes from Friday, 26 Nov, 2010
Today we did an Act I quick quiz and then discussed quotable quotations from Act I, Scenes 1-2. I then gave some quotable quotations from Act I and we discussed them on the following points:
a) who is speaking?
b) to whom is he/she speaking?
c) what's going on in terms of the plot? (what is or has just happened - or what is about to happen?)
d) what is the significance of this speech?
We then watched the film up to the point, in Scene ii, where Laertes is given permission to leave for France.
Please remember to post a comment to the blog to meet your journaling requirement. You may like to start to pre-read Act II. On Tuesday we'll watch the rest of Act I and do a little writing activity. Have a nice long weekend.
a) who is speaking?
b) to whom is he/she speaking?
c) what's going on in terms of the plot? (what is or has just happened - or what is about to happen?)
d) what is the significance of this speech?
We then watched the film up to the point, in Scene ii, where Laertes is given permission to leave for France.
Please remember to post a comment to the blog to meet your journaling requirement. You may like to start to pre-read Act II. On Tuesday we'll watch the rest of Act I and do a little writing activity. Have a nice long weekend.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
En 12: From Wednesday, 24 Nov
Today we read and discussed Act I, Scene 5 - the scene where Hamlet and his father's ghost have a face off and we hear Hamlet declare he will put on an antic disposition.. After discussing the scene we took ten minutes to begin a search of lines we felt might be "quoatable quotations" (hint: many of them might already be highlighted in your books by previous students). If you get two-four from each scene I would think you have a great start. Please come to the next class with that done. Tomorrow we will do some writing - realize that we have about eight weeks of class before you write your provincial exam, so I need to keep your writing fresh.
Please keep your act/scene study questions up-to-date as we work our way through the play - I won't always be giving you class time, but if I forget, please remind me to discuss any issues the questions present.
Please keep your act/scene study questions up-to-date as we work our way through the play - I won't always be giving you class time, but if I forget, please remind me to discuss any issues the questions present.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
En 11-2: From Tuesday, 23 Nov
Today we did our quotations recognition quiz for the Act I quotations. Next I gave out the reading rubric and we chose the dramatic reading parts we will perform (at our desks) for Act I - we will do them on Thursday, 25 Nov. We also completed a table to identify the methods Lady Macbeth uses (in Act I sc 7) to persuade Macbeth to commit the murder.
Please remember that if you "memorize" your speech for reading, you will have the best chance at getting a good mark.
Please remember that if you "memorize" your speech for reading, you will have the best chance at getting a good mark.
En 11 - 1: Notes from Tuesday, 23 Nov
Today, we did our first dramatic reading test - results tended towards "beginning" and "developing" which is pretty normal for a first try. Again, my best advise is to get to a point where you have mostly memorized your speech - you can still have your book available in case you get stuck. Without emphasis, your speech will sound flat. Be critical about where you put your pauses.
These are your parts for the next class:
Scene 1
Banquo: Angie
Fleance: Jake
Macbeth: Mike
Scene 2
Lady Macbeth: Ashley
Macbeth: Kohl
Scene 3
Porter: Brandon
Macduff: Maciek
Macbeth: Emma
Lennox: Parker
Lady Macbeth: Chelsea
Donalbain: Ben
Malcolm: Aisha
Banquo: Mr. Marshall
These are your parts for the next class:
Scene 1
Banquo: Angie
Fleance: Jake
Macbeth: Mike
Scene 2
Lady Macbeth: Ashley
Macbeth: Kohl
Scene 3
Porter: Brandon
Macduff: Maciek
Macbeth: Emma
Lennox: Parker
Lady Macbeth: Chelsea
Donalbain: Ben
Malcolm: Aisha
Banquo: Mr. Marshall
Monday, November 22, 2010
En 10: From Monday, 22 November
Today, over half of the class was absent; we watched Act II and Act III of the film and then added a comment to this post. You can comment on the movie, or on the play in a more general sense.
SS11: Notes from Monday, 22 Nov
Today we worked on our First World War PowerPoint presentations. We will have an extra day (Wednesday) to work on them but we must be ready to present on Friday, 26 November. Remember that this project is intended to give you a chance to get some in-depth "expert" knowledge on your topic so don't be satisfied with surface or "survey" level information.
Good luck
Good luck
En12: notes from Monday, 22 Nov
We read and discussed I, ii - iii. I issued a worksheet for Polonius' advice in Scene iii. We will complete the worksheet tomorrow. Before tomorrow's class, please pre-read/prepare the final two scenes in Act 1.
Scene 4:
Hamlet - Taylor
Horatio - Becky
Marcellus - Travis
Scene 5:
Hamlet - Mitchell J.
Ghost - Aurora
Horatio - Shelby
Marcellus - Madison
Enjoy the snow...
Scene 4:
Hamlet - Taylor
Horatio - Becky
Marcellus - Travis
Scene 5:
Hamlet - Mitchell J.
Ghost - Aurora
Horatio - Shelby
Marcellus - Madison
Enjoy the snow...
Friday, November 19, 2010
En11-2: from Friday 19 Nov
1. We finished the Act 1 quotations review - we'll have a test involving four of the twelve for next class.
2. We also looked at Act One for examples of the theme of "false faces." The following quotations are examples of where a character appears/or is thought to be one thing, but is in fact, another. Click on images to enlarge.
You should have Act 2 preread for next week - DON'T FORGET MONDAY'S TEST. Next week we will be doing our first dramatic reading FOR MARKS.
2. We also looked at Act One for examples of the theme of "false faces." The following quotations are examples of where a character appears/or is thought to be one thing, but is in fact, another. Click on images to enlarge.
You should have Act 2 preread for next week - DON'T FORGET MONDAY'S TEST. Next week we will be doing our first dramatic reading FOR MARKS.
En 12: from Friday, 19 Nov
Today we did the following worksheet. One third of the class was absent. We decided to read and discuss Act I, ii on Monday. Please do an initial reading of Scene iii over the weekend.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Click on picture to enlarge.

En10: from Friday 19 Nov
We did a quiz for Acts 1-2.
We finished the quotable quotations from Acts 1-3
We read the prologue for Act 4: below are the notes.
We finished the quotable quotations from Acts 1-3
We read the prologue for Act 4: below are the notes.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
En 10: homework for Friday, 19 Nov
Today we worked on finding information on key quotations from Henry V, Acts 1-3. We found the following:
a) who's speaking?
b) who is he/she speaking to?
c) what's happening at that point in the play? (tell what's happening in the widest sense - do not translate the quotation).
d) what is the significance (most will tell us more about a particular character, OR they will advance the plot in some way).
EX 1:
a) Who: Archbishop of Canterbury
b) To whom: The Bishop of Ely
c) What: The churchmen are discussing a tax that will make the Church poor.
d) Significance: This scene gives the churchmen reason to try to convince Henry to go to war in order to deflect attention away from the Church.
a) who's speaking?
b) who is he/she speaking to?
c) what's happening at that point in the play? (tell what's happening in the widest sense - do not translate the quotation).
d) what is the significance (most will tell us more about a particular character, OR they will advance the plot in some way).
EX 1:
a) Who: Archbishop of Canterbury
b) To whom: The Bishop of Ely
c) What: The churchmen are discussing a tax that will make the Church poor.
d) Significance: This scene gives the churchmen reason to try to convince Henry to go to war in order to deflect attention away from the Church.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
English 12: from Wednesday, 17 Nov
Welcome to Hamlet - I thought you did a good job decoding the jumbled scene today. Please write a comment to this post in order to give your first impressions.
Enjoy your day (or what's left of it).
Enjoy your day (or what's left of it).
En 11-1 from Wednesday, 17 Nov
1. Please finish the "false face" quotations activity.
2. Be ready to do your first dramatic reading on Friday. Remember, it can't sound "read."
2. Be ready to do your first dramatic reading on Friday. Remember, it can't sound "read."
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
SS 11: from Tuesday, 16 Nov
Today we switched gears and learned some basic functions and principles of design for class PowerPoint presentations. We will use the next couple of classes to research and design a presentation on a topic associated with the First World War. Initially, I said everyone would examine the battle of Vimy Ridge, but I think it would be better if you all had a chance to do any topic that interests you. I'm also going to discuss how we might allow for some teamwork for those so interested.
If you have a flash drive, you may wish to start collecting images and information for your project. I am going to ask that each of the projects have a plan and I want to approve each plan to ensure it meets my general expectations.
I'll see you on Thursday.
If you have a flash drive, you may wish to start collecting images and information for your project. I am going to ask that each of the projects have a plan and I want to approve each plan to ensure it meets my general expectations.
I'll see you on Thursday.
En 12: from Tuesday, 16 November
Today we concluded our poetry unit. I returned the tests and then asked students to complete a self-evaluation of their war poetry paragraphs. Research has shown that self evaluation is an important part of the learning process, and I realize that I don't often facilitate it in a meaningful way apart from the meta cognition that occurs during the completion of your writing logs. Evaluating writing is difficult to do, and if you found it unpleasant then you had a glimpse into my world. In spite of what you may think when you get feedback that doesn't assess your work as favourably as you had hoped or expected, I do take great care when marking, and I do much marking. It is difficult for me to give someone a low mark or a mark lower than I know they expect. I really do care how you feel and I want you to experience success and no, I don't enjoy watching some one's frustration. However, you want to know that you deserve the mark you get when it's a good mark and so do I. As I said in class, marking English work is often subjective, but by using the rubric to add transparency, I hope to give you a true sense of what the different marks represent. I know it's a bit naive, but I'm hoping you will move beyond working for food pellets (marks) and work for the purpose of learning and developing your skills. That's one of the reasons I return work with feedback in forms other than marks. I think it's important to explain to you from time to time where I'm coming from, but I also know that for many years you've been boss-managed in school and old habits are hard to break. My wish is that you leave the course satisfied that you were given the tools to succeed and the opportunity to improve experiences where your desired level of success was not initially met. I want to talk to you if you ever feel you're not being treated fairly or respectfully because to be treated so is an expectation I think you should have. Keep me honest; no one likes to be wrong, especially in so public a forum as a classroom, but I hope I'm not so proud that I can't acknowledge and fix my mistakes when they occur, or explain the reasons for my choices.
Anyway, this went further than I expected when I started. As we move into Shakespeare, I just wanted to take time to have you think about your learning, in the short and long term, and the internal and external evaluation that is connected to it.
Anyway, this went further than I expected when I started. As we move into Shakespeare, I just wanted to take time to have you think about your learning, in the short and long term, and the internal and external evaluation that is connected to it.
En 10: Homework from Tuesday, 16 Nov
You all did well in today's reading. Before you return to class on Wednesday, please paraphrase two medium-length speeches:
a) Montjoy: Act 3, scene 6, lines 103 to 123
b) Henry: Act 3, scene 6, lines 125 to 144
Remember that a paraphrase is NOT a translation, NOR is it a summary - it's a little of both.
Take each sentence and put it into your own words. If I was to do the beginning of Montjoy's speech at line 123, I would say the following:
"My king told me to tell Harry that our army was just sleeping and waiting for the right time to attack because it is better to not be rash and thus we didn't attack him at Harfleur. Tell Harry he shall be sorry for what he has done and want to offer himself for ransom to fix the insult and injury France has suffered...."
Use the No Fear Shakespeare link on the blog to get a translation if you need help.
Good luck.
a) Montjoy: Act 3, scene 6, lines 103 to 123
b) Henry: Act 3, scene 6, lines 125 to 144
Remember that a paraphrase is NOT a translation, NOR is it a summary - it's a little of both.
Take each sentence and put it into your own words. If I was to do the beginning of Montjoy's speech at line 123, I would say the following:
"My king told me to tell Harry that our army was just sleeping and waiting for the right time to attack because it is better to not be rash and thus we didn't attack him at Harfleur. Tell Harry he shall be sorry for what he has done and want to offer himself for ransom to fix the insult and injury France has suffered...."
Use the No Fear Shakespeare link on the blog to get a translation if you need help.
Good luck.
Monday, November 15, 2010
English 11 from Monday. 15 Nov
Remember that it is the season of power outages - if the school stays open we will work. I like breaks too, but this is a senior academic course and working at a steady pace will eliminate the need to rush near the end (and no one wants to do that after the winter break).
En 11-1:
We finished the quotable quotations sheet from Act I and had a chance to review the details. You will have a test on Wednesday - 4 of the 12 quotations. On the test, you will give a) speaker; b) audience; c) what's happening; and, d) what is the significance of the speech.
Also, please pre-read all of Act II (about five pages).
En 11-2:
We didn't get quite as far as Group 1. Please have your worksheet completed for Wednesday. If you don't do your preparation, you'll have to complete it while the rest of us review the answers. Your test will be Friday.
Also, please pre-read all of Act II (about five pages).
WARNING: We'll be doing a similar quotations test after Act III, but without all of the prep in-class. You'll have to pay attention to the scene discussions as we read in order to have an idea of what lines are "quotable."
En 11-1:
We finished the quotable quotations sheet from Act I and had a chance to review the details. You will have a test on Wednesday - 4 of the 12 quotations. On the test, you will give a) speaker; b) audience; c) what's happening; and, d) what is the significance of the speech.
Also, please pre-read all of Act II (about five pages).
En 11-2:
We didn't get quite as far as Group 1. Please have your worksheet completed for Wednesday. If you don't do your preparation, you'll have to complete it while the rest of us review the answers. Your test will be Friday.
Also, please pre-read all of Act II (about five pages).
WARNING: We'll be doing a similar quotations test after Act III, but without all of the prep in-class. You'll have to pay attention to the scene discussions as we read in order to have an idea of what lines are "quotable."
Saturday, November 13, 2010
SS 11 Notes from Friday, 12 Nov
Today we just reviewed the vocabulary terms from the First World War. You are all now responsible to know them and be able to give the "what/so what" details if asked to on a quiz. That will not represent "deep" understanding, but it is a place from where we can begin. You have also answered the textbook chapter questions so I am expecting that you now understand the basics. You must also be familiar with the geography of western Europe, and be able to identify the areas where Canadians ventured. You must also be familiar with the following key land engagements:
Ypres, 1915; Somme, 1916; Vimy Ridge, 1917; Passchendaele, 1917; and, the Hundred Days,
1918. There is something special that is associated with each and you must know it (the "so what").
You should also be able to comment on the air war and the war at sea.
Finally (and this is a BIG one because it connects so well with our central question of "what does it mean to be Canadian") you must be familiar with how the war affected the home front. Specifically, think of the following:
women, conscription (French-English tension?), and the economy of total war.
Ypres, 1915; Somme, 1916; Vimy Ridge, 1917; Passchendaele, 1917; and, the Hundred Days,
1918. There is something special that is associated with each and you must know it (the "so what").
You should also be able to comment on the air war and the war at sea.
Finally (and this is a BIG one because it connects so well with our central question of "what does it mean to be Canadian") you must be familiar with how the war affected the home front. Specifically, think of the following:
women, conscription (French-English tension?), and the economy of total war.
Friday, November 12, 2010
En 12 Notes from Friday 12 Nov
We will have our poetry unit test on Monday:
a) On a past provincial exam, be prepared to read a poem, answer some multiple-choice questions and write a paragraph response.
b) Using the list of terms I gave you on my 8.5 X 14 inch matching exercise at the start of the unit, be prepared to define some devices and name some devices from quotations I give.
To help you study, here are the answers from the last poem in Friday's study package:
"Finding a Name"
22. d
23. c
24. c
25. d
26. d
27. b
28. b
29. c
Good luck; good studying; and have a good weekend. (hey, that's a great example of parallel structure).
a) On a past provincial exam, be prepared to read a poem, answer some multiple-choice questions and write a paragraph response.
b) Using the list of terms I gave you on my 8.5 X 14 inch matching exercise at the start of the unit, be prepared to define some devices and name some devices from quotations I give.
To help you study, here are the answers from the last poem in Friday's study package:
"Finding a Name"
22. d
23. c
24. c
25. d
26. d
27. b
28. b
29. c
Good luck; good studying; and have a good weekend. (hey, that's a great example of parallel structure).
En 10: Henry V homework from Friday's class on 12 Nov
Today we looked at the "Harfleur speech" from the beginning of Act 3 (scene 1). Before Monday's class, please ensure you do the following:
a) find three quotations from the speech that you find to be motivating or inspiring.
b) write your own speech (people often write about sports) that meets the following guide lines:
* about 15 lines long
* colourful adjectives and adverbs
* powerful verbs (ex. instead of "run" try "charge" or "attack")
* employ some figurative language such as metaphors or similes (ex. "our defenders are a wall" or we
will crush them like the fleas that they are")
Enjoy your weekend
a) find three quotations from the speech that you find to be motivating or inspiring.
b) write your own speech (people often write about sports) that meets the following guide lines:
* about 15 lines long
* colourful adjectives and adverbs
* powerful verbs (ex. instead of "run" try "charge" or "attack")
* employ some figurative language such as metaphors or similes (ex. "our defenders are a wall" or we
will crush them like the fleas that they are")
Enjoy your weekend
Monday, November 8, 2010
English 11: from Monday, 8 Nov
Today, we reviewed Act One together orally. Next, on loose-leaf paper, we answered the 10 "round bullet" questions for Act One at the back of the study package. Afterwords, we watched the first four scenes of Act I of the movie. Finally, we were introduced to 12 "quotable quotations" from Act I; we will find out the following information for each:
a) line citation (ex. I, ii, 23-28)
b) who's speaking
c) who's the audience
d) what's happening, and so what?
The quotations are NOT for homework, but you are free to get started.
a) line citation (ex. I, ii, 23-28)
b) who's speaking
c) who's the audience
d) what's happening, and so what?
The quotations are NOT for homework, but you are free to get started.
En 12: From Monday, 8 Nov
Today we continued our discussion on the logging poetry of Pete Trower and paid attention to how "poetic" something that we often associate with ruggedness, can be. We also saw how a poem can be made "authentic" through not only the use of jargon, but by language "of the people" under examination. Next day we will look at answering the paragraph-type questions on provincial exams - starting with Trower's "Railway Club Blues." We will also start the Remembrance Day assignment looking at the shift in war poetry that occurred during the First World War. That will be all the "new" work except prep for the unit test.
Friday, November 5, 2010
En 10: Homework from Friday, 5 Nov

Thursday, November 4, 2010
English 12: from Thursday, 4 Nov
I enjoyed our discussion today - very real-life. It certainly brought to our attention the power of words (like feminine) and their openness to interpretation. I am interested in hearing some suggestions for additional poems that we may study. Perhaps we could all find three or four poems that are thematically or otherwise linked and then present them to one another in small groups. That way students who have an interest in a specific area could have a chance to examine it. Do you have any thoughts on this idea?
Please comment.
Please comment.
English 10: Homework for Friday, 5 Nov
Please read the first two articles from the Henry V package. Answer the four questions from the second article (on the Hundred Years War).
You should always be reading ahead about two scenes. Remember to use the No Fear Shakespeare link on the blog in order to be able to read each scene in modern English, if that helps.
You should always be reading ahead about two scenes. Remember to use the No Fear Shakespeare link on the blog in order to be able to read each scene in modern English, if that helps.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
SS 11 Homework after Wed, 03 Nov.
Please complete worksheet exercises #7 and #8. Also, choose ONE or TWO of the following: exercises #12, #13 or #14. On Friday, we will share our findings with one another.
Next class we will continue to interpret the progaganda posters. If you use the Slideshare link, you can preview the images. We will also be using the Internet to help interpret some 8 1/2" X 11" still photographs.
Next class we will continue to interpret the progaganda posters. If you use the Slideshare link, you can preview the images. We will also be using the Internet to help interpret some 8 1/2" X 11" still photographs.
En 12 Check-in: 03 Nov 2010
It has been a while since we posted to the blog. Please comment on the process of creating your slam poem. You can discuss anything associated with the process. What interested you; what scared you; what frustrated you; what spoke to you; et cetra? I'm looking for a thoughtful and reflective comment - think "meta cognition."
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
En 11 - Tuesday, 2 Nov
Please post a comment that expands on either Macbeth's or Lady Macbeth's character as it seems by the end of Act One. Also, read Act II, scenes i-ii for next class.
Friday, October 29, 2010
English 11 Quiz Tuesday, 02 Nov
We will be having a Macbeth quiz covering Act 1, scenes 1-5, on Tuesday. Remember to review your notes. Also, pre-read the rest of Act 1 - use No Fear Shakespeare if you must.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
English 12 Poetry Slam Activity (Begun 27 Oct)
I was pleased with the apparent effort you were able to put towards the first lesson on slam poetry. I know it's hard to "write on demand," but most of you managed to get some ideas down. For Thursday's class, remember you need to have a topic and three or four sub-topics for a mind map (brainstorm) done so that I can help those who are stuck to get moving.
I've attached a screenshot of my poem to this post and would like each of you to visit the blog a couple of times during the creation of your poems to record your thoughts on the process.
I've attached a screenshot of my poem to this post and would like each of you to visit the blog a couple of times during the creation of your poems to record your thoughts on the process.
English 11 Homework due Friday, 29 Oct
Both classes are almost back at the same point in the play and accompanying activities - way to go Group 2; you had to catch up a full hour from last week's rugby game.
Both groups, please ensure you have completed a synopsis of I,iii and a paraphrase of the first part of the scene where the witches are talking. You should also pre-read the rest of Scene iii - we'll review it next class.
Both groups, please ensure you have completed a synopsis of I,iii and a paraphrase of the first part of the scene where the witches are talking. You should also pre-read the rest of Scene iii - we'll review it next class.
Monday, October 25, 2010
En 12 David Exam, Tuesday, 25 October, 2010
On Tuesday we will have a 75-minute exam on "David" in order to practice the style of questions found on the provincial exams.
Part One: Seven multiple-choice questions tied to vocabulary terms:
ex. "a marten moving like quicksilver scouted//us."
a) shiny jewelry
b) mercury
c) cool clothing
d) rock
Part Two: Eight multiple-choice questions tied to plot comprehension and devices:
ex. The scene with the injured robin is a
a) climax
b) symbol
c) foreshadow
d) jargon
Part Three: Eleven matching items - match the term to the example from the poem:
___a____ Alliteration a) "lake lost the lure"
Part Four: 300 word essay OR three 100 word paragraphs (from a list of six paragraph prompts).
Part One: Seven multiple-choice questions tied to vocabulary terms:
ex. "a marten moving like quicksilver scouted//us."
a) shiny jewelry
b) mercury
c) cool clothing
d) rock
Part Two: Eight multiple-choice questions tied to plot comprehension and devices:
ex. The scene with the injured robin is a
a) climax
b) symbol
c) foreshadow
d) jargon
Part Three: Eleven matching items - match the term to the example from the poem:
___a____ Alliteration a) "lake lost the lure"
Part Four: 300 word essay OR three 100 word paragraphs (from a list of six paragraph prompts).
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
English 11-2, Notes from Wednesday, 20 Oct
We had our first Macbeth lesson today. We read Act 1, scenes 1-2 (I, i-ii) and copied the following synopsis from the board. Note how a synopsis is more than just a summary.
"The play opens with the three witches on a heath. The dark imagery and spooky charms (spells) set the mood (the feeling that the audience gets). We don't meet Macbeth, but his name is mentioned."
* paradox - the witches seem to speak in paradoxes
example: "when the battle's lost and won."
Next class, we will read I, iii and work on some of Shakespeare's language tricks.
"The play opens with the three witches on a heath. The dark imagery and spooky charms (spells) set the mood (the feeling that the audience gets). We don't meet Macbeth, but his name is mentioned."
* paradox - the witches seem to speak in paradoxes
example: "when the battle's lost and won."
Next class, we will read I, iii and work on some of Shakespeare's language tricks.
English 11-1 Wednesday, Oct 20 assignment
1. Complete the "Contractions" worksheet from the Macbeth student handouts I gave you.
2. Add five other contractions from any scene in the play. Ensure you include a line citation.
ex. I, iii, 22: se'nnights = seven nights
3. Read Act 1, scene iii for homework. If you get stuck, use the "No Fear Shakespeare" link found on the blog.
2. Add five other contractions from any scene in the play. Ensure you include a line citation.
ex. I, iii, 22: se'nnights = seven nights
3. Read Act 1, scene iii for homework. If you get stuck, use the "No Fear Shakespeare" link found on the blog.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Socials 11 Homework from Tuesday, 19 October
1. If you failed to do your blog entry from last class, write a 125 word paragraph in response to the same blog prompt - the paragraph is your ticket into class on Thursday. If you are unable to do your homework, you'll have to finish it on Thursday before you come in. If you did the blog, ignore this item.
2. Please read the text from pg. 20 - pg. 27.
3. Complete worksheet Exercise #1 as much as possible WITHOUT Googling to find answers. It's okay if some boxes are left empty.
4. We will do Exercise #2 in class together.
5. Please complete Exercise #3 before Thursday's class.
2. Please read the text from pg. 20 - pg. 27.
3. Complete worksheet Exercise #1 as much as possible WITHOUT Googling to find answers. It's okay if some boxes are left empty.
4. We will do Exercise #2 in class together.
5. Please complete Exercise #3 before Thursday's class.
Monday, October 18, 2010
English 10 Run-ons Notes: 18 Oct 2010
Today we talked about how sentences NAME and then TELL MORE. We can add a part in front of the parts that name and tell more in order to indicate the part that tells:
If we do, separate the new part with a comma:
Example: On Saturday, MY DOG ran home.
If we do, separate the new part with a comma:
Example: On Saturday, MY DOG ran home.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Socials Homework due Tuesday, 19 October
1. Please ensure you have read pp 4-19 from the text.
2. Add a comment to this post in response tpo the following prompt:
"What did it mean to be Canadian at the start of the twentieth century"
You should ensure your response is a diverse one; don't focus on one aspect of life only. For example, you could comment on immigration, employment, technology, foreign affairs and language issues.
Good luck - enjoy your weekend. We will return for another four-day school week as Friday, 22 October is a pro-d day. Yippee.
2. Add a comment to this post in response tpo the following prompt:
"What did it mean to be Canadian at the start of the twentieth century"
You should ensure your response is a diverse one; don't focus on one aspect of life only. For example, you could comment on immigration, employment, technology, foreign affairs and language issues.
Good luck - enjoy your weekend. We will return for another four-day school week as Friday, 22 October is a pro-d day. Yippee.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Socials 11 Government Test: details
On Friday, October 15 we'll have our unit test:
a) 10 T/F questions on parliament
b) 4 short-answer questions connected to the political spectrum
c) 1 short-paragraph question about the Senate
d) 31 multiple-choice questions from all topics studied in the unit.
a) 10 T/F questions on parliament
b) 4 short-answer questions connected to the political spectrum
c) 1 short-paragraph question about the Senate
d) 31 multiple-choice questions from all topics studied in the unit.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
En 11: TOMATS Objective Final Exam
We will write an objective final exam for the novel on Tuesday, October 12. It will include the following:
1. 12 plot events to be put in chronological order.
2. 8 quotations where you must name the character who spoke.
EX. "When I was young I was before the mast on a square rigged ship" = Santiago
3. 6 basic literary devices where you must give a brief definition.
EX. metaphor = a direct comparison of two unlikely paired things.
4. 5 examples of literary devices that you must identify
EX. "it floated cheerfully as a bubble" = simile
5. 12 multiple choice questions on different aspects of the novel.
1. 12 plot events to be put in chronological order.
2. 8 quotations where you must name the character who spoke.
EX. "When I was young I was before the mast on a square rigged ship" = Santiago
3. 6 basic literary devices where you must give a brief definition.
EX. metaphor = a direct comparison of two unlikely paired things.
4. 5 examples of literary devices that you must identify
EX. "it floated cheerfully as a bubble" = simile
5. 12 multiple choice questions on different aspects of the novel.
English 12: 1984 Objective Final Exam
We will write a "store-bought" objective test for the novel on Tuesday, October 12. It will be the usual m/c, t/f, match-the-character kind of fare. It will be two pages long and include 50 items.
English 12 work for Thurs-Fri/ Oct 7-8
On Thursday we finished viewing "V for Vendetta." You are to write a paragraph-length comment in response to this post after viewing the movie. You may chose to compare/contrast "V" with "1984" or you may choose to comment on "your impressions." For example, which world would be worse to live in for the citizens? What were the goals of the different governments? Please make your comment thoughtful and remember to edit prior to publication.
Tomorrow, we will read an essay (titled "Language as the 'Ultimate Weapon' in 1984") and then write a paragraph discussing "Orwell and the English Language." In writing your paragraph, you will compare Orwell's views after considering Newspeak in "1984," the essay "Politics and the English Language," and today's reading. Your paragraph should be illustrative of the development you've experienced in your writing after receiving four weeks of my detailed feedback and after your own meta cognition. Good luck.
Tomorrow, we will read an essay (titled "Language as the 'Ultimate Weapon' in 1984") and then write a paragraph discussing "Orwell and the English Language." In writing your paragraph, you will compare Orwell's views after considering Newspeak in "1984," the essay "Politics and the English Language," and today's reading. Your paragraph should be illustrative of the development you've experienced in your writing after receiving four weeks of my detailed feedback and after your own meta cognition. Good luck.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
En 11 Pre-essay comment: Tuesday,5 Oct
Please post a comment outlining what you plan to write your essay on and give your thesis statement for others to consider. I suggest that you visist the post more thanonce over the next two days. You may post more than once if you change your mind, after having read what your peers have written. Please see me if you're having any trouble. You may bring notes in to class to help you write this "first essay."
Monday, October 4, 2010
SS 11 Political Party Assignment: Monday, 04 Oct
1. Today we used the laptops to write our creative, personal political party platforms. We made sure that our typed presentations included the following in paragraph OR point form:
a) General ideology (political spectrum - change or tradition)
b) Platform details: ex. economic plan, services provided (improved? cut?) health plan, trade
(within Canada or with foreign nations? both?) foreign policy (how will we use our military?)
c) Create a party name and logo
2. For homework, create a party poster.
3. Both are due at the start of Wednesday's class. You will give a brief two-minute summary of your party to your classmates at the start of Wednesday's class.
a) General ideology (political spectrum - change or tradition)
b) Platform details: ex. economic plan, services provided (improved? cut?) health plan, trade
(within Canada or with foreign nations? both?) foreign policy (how will we use our military?)
c) Create a party name and logo
2. For homework, create a party poster.
3. Both are due at the start of Wednesday's class. You will give a brief two-minute summary of your party to your classmates at the start of Wednesday's class.
Friday, October 1, 2010
English 11: TOMATS notes - day two: 01 Oct, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
En 11: Sept 29: Elements of fiction/TOMATS notes: Day 0ne
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
En 10 Homework due Thursday, 30 Sept
Please rewrite your "What's Bothering Holden" paragraphs before tomorrow's class. Do not just rewrite what you wrote the first time with my editting included. Please re-write the paragraph - this is not to say you can't recycle the general idea or some of the key phrases. Think specifically about your introduction and conclusion.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
SS11 Homework due Thursday, 30 September
Please find a few details on the financial policies of two of the five national parties listed on your political parties table. Then, attach a comment to this post outlining which party you think you would most likely support in an election and tell why. Your post need only be about five sentences long.
You will be designing your own political party next class and in the next few classes you will have a government unit pre-exam. You really should be reviewing material such as the Quizlet cards.
You will be designing your own political party next class and in the next few classes you will have a government unit pre-exam. You really should be reviewing material such as the Quizlet cards.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Social Studies 11 for Tuesday 28 Sept.
Please complete the table for Exercise 9. You must have an understanding of the political spectrum and be able to link policies to the party that they represent. On Tuesday you will create a party, a platform and a poster to advertise it. Bring your imaginations and remember where you fall on the political spectrum.
English 12 for Friday, 23 September
Thanks, those of you who shared your ideas on the notion of privacy today. Please remember to have the book read for Tuesday. We will do the privacy paragraph on Tuesday, and I'll return your essays at that time.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
English 11 September 22 discussion on Pender's future
After our introductory discussion on some of the challenges that face our school in the future, please add a comment to this post in response. You may wish to view some of the comments that the grad class made on the English 12 post of September 17. Thanks.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
En 12: Assignment for Wednesday, 21 Sept.
Please read the next two chapters or so.
En 10 Assignment started Tuesday, Sept 21 + Reading Homework
The Catcher in the Rye: Weekly Research Topic #3:
What’s Bothering Holden?
Step One: In groups, do a quick Internet investigation of one of the following topics associated with Holden’s behaviour:
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Clinical depression
The five stages of grief
The impact of death in a family
You may wish to sub-divide the topic even further. For example, you
could look for:
What is it /its history?
What are the causes?
What are its symptoms?
What is its treatment?
Step Two: One member from each group will be asked to report his or her group’s findings to the class.
Step Three: Students will return to their desks and write a paragraph that answers the prompt shown at the top of the page. Paragraphs should be over 100 words, double-spaced, and typed.
We will finish the paragraph on Wed, Sept 22.
SS 11 Assignment due Thursday, Sept 23
Please read the workbook section on elections and the political spectrum (pages 20 - 29). You may wish to view the PowerPoint presentation on the political spectrum by clicking on other presentations by Jeff Marshall on the blog post that has the "Elections" PowerPoint. More information is found in the textbook, pages 253 - 258. Good luck.
English 12: Reminder for Wednesday, 22 September
I have information regarding the LPI offered by UBC - the rules have changed for this year's exams - please remind me to discuss it next class. Don't know what the LPI is? You can Research it on the Web.
Monday, September 20, 2010
English 11-1 and 11-2 Homework for Wednesday, 22 September
Please ensure you completed the homework from last class and have read the novel and answered the study guide questions. We will discuss the novel as a whole and you should expect a reading quiz.
English 12 Tuesday, 21 September Assignment
Please be ready to do your theme essay in class on Tuesday. You may bring whatever resources will help you do an exemplary job.
Friday, September 17, 2010
SS 11 Assignment due Tuesday, Sept 17
Please have Exercises 8 and 9 done before Tuesday's class. Also, remember to prepare for the parliament quiz that I am allowing you to re-do (if you wish). Finally, please don't forget that the novel must be read for En 11, by Monday. Enjoy your weekend.
English 12 Monday, 20 September Assignment
Please have Chapter 8 of Part Two read prior to Monday's class. Also, please add a comment to this post. It can be a reflection, prediction, reaction, or what have you. Enjoy your weekend.
English 10 Monday, 20 September Assignment
Thanks, those of you who shared ideas in class today during our discussion of Holden's character. I was very satisfied with the quality of the topic sentences you shared at the end of class; most were right on the mark (remember that a topic sentence often begs a question as a way to create interest).
Please have Chapters 11 - 13 read prior to Monday's class.
Please have Chapters 11 - 13 read prior to Monday's class.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
English 12 Friday, 17 September Assignment
Wow - what a great discussion about the direction the school could take. Thanks again, for helping me reground myself (vent).
Please add a comment to the blog detailing a response to what we discussed. Aim for about five sentences and I encourage you to consider speaking directly to what someone else says or has said.
Thanks for keeping up with your homework; I really appreciate your commitment to the course.
Please add a comment to the blog detailing a response to what we discussed. Aim for about five sentences and I encourage you to consider speaking directly to what someone else says or has said.
Thanks for keeping up with your homework; I really appreciate your commitment to the course.
English 10 Friday, 17 September Assignment
Please read Chapters 9 and 10 before Friday's class. You are also expected to make brief notes in your study guide booklets. I also suggest you take note of the novel page numbers where you find the answers to the questions. I will be giving you a short quiz to check your reading.
En 11 Assignment for Monday, 20 Sept.
Please ensure that you have finished reading The Old Man and the Sea, and have completed your study guide questions before Monday's class. We will be reviewing the questions together and starting our discussions of the novel as a whole and completing some more writing assignments.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
En 10 Reading for Thursday, 16 Sept
Good work on the rubrics today. Thanks for your attention. Please ensure that you have read Chapters 7-8 before next class.
En 12 Reading for Thursday, 15 Sept.
Please read Chapters 1-2 in Part 2 before Thursday's class
English 12 Tuesday, 14 September Assignment
It was nice to see you all so focused in your writing today - we're all a bit rusty - don't forget to edit your work.
1. Please complete your "Winston's World" paragraphs for Wednesday's class.
2. Be prepared to write a Part One reading quiz.
3. No reading or blogging required unless you wish to get a head start on Part Two.
1. Please complete your "Winston's World" paragraphs for Wednesday's class.
2. Be prepared to write a Part One reading quiz.
3. No reading or blogging required unless you wish to get a head start on Part Two.
En 11 Assignment for Thursday, 15 Sept.
Thanks for your quiet writing today. Please ensure you have a "Page 11 Paragraph" to hand in at the start of Thursday's class if you've not already done so.
Also, please read and answer Part Four of the novel (pp 97-120).
Keep up the good work.
Also, please read and answer Part Four of the novel (pp 97-120).
Keep up the good work.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
English 10 Tuesday, 14 September Assignment
1. Any homework not in by tomorrow will have to be done at lunch.
2. Add a comment to this post in response to the rubric development lesson we did today. You should indicate the relative value of participating in the process that will be used to evaluate your blogging, as well as the relative value of the blogging itself. Your comment should be about five sentences long.
2. Add a comment to this post in response to the rubric development lesson we did today. You should indicate the relative value of participating in the process that will be used to evaluate your blogging, as well as the relative value of the blogging itself. Your comment should be about five sentences long.
Monday, September 13, 2010
SS 11 Assignment due Sept 17
1. Please complete worksheet #7 (from the Falk workbook).
2. I suggest you review the parliament PPT and preview the elections PPT.
2. I suggest you review the parliament PPT and preview the elections PPT.
Friday, September 10, 2010
SS 11 Elections Chpt10a
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
SS11 Canadian Parliamentary System Chpt 9
Are you looking for the vocabulary terms that might be on the quiz? Check out the Parliament PPT presentation by clicking on presentations by jeffmarshall below to access SlideShare:
En 12: Assignment for Monday, 13 Sept.
We agreed to have read up to the end of Chapter Six before Monday's class that is right after lunch (please remember to take notes in your Study Guide). I plan to review the the Chapter 2-6 questions, Monday - be ready to participate. Commenting to this post is fully optional but I'm sure your peers would appreciate your shared thoughts. Have a nice weekend.
En 10 Reading for Monday, 13 Sept
Read to the end of Chapter Four before Monday's class. In lieu of answering study guide questions, please remember to publish a comment that mentions something about Chapter Four to this post. You may include ideas from Chapter Three. You may wish to comment on the relationships that Holden has with others his age. If you don't have Internet access, post at school before 10:20, Monday. Have a nice weekend.
En 11 Reading for Tuesday, 14 Sept.
Please read up to page 94 or 96 (don't forget some notes in the Study Guide). You may choose to comment with this post in response to your reading. We will compose topic sentences and write a page 11 paragraph during our next class. I was pleased with your level of focus and the quality of your ideas during Friday's classes.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
En 10 Reading for Friday, 10 Sept
Remember to have Chapter 3 read for Friday. We will be doing some writing in class about life in 1949.
Socials 11: Assignment due Friday, 10 Sept.
Please ensure you have read the sections on Canada's government from p226 - p244 (you are only responsible for the text printed on the white paper - text on coloured paper is optional). We will be completing some worksheets from Falk on Friday.
En 12: Assignment for Friday, 10 Sept.
Please remember to have Chapter 3 read (with study guide notes completed). I'd also like you to write a brief comment on this post in response to your reading (2-3 sentences will be fine).
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
En 11 Reading for Thursday, 9 Sept.
Thanks for being receptive and willing to participate in our first TOMATS lesson - I promise not to talk so much next time. The novel is very much about Santiago and in addition to responding to the study guide focus questions, try to continuously ask yourself "Who is this guy, Santiago? What makes him tick?" Expect routine reading quizzes so I can gauge the level of your understanding. Please be read up to page 41 for Thursday (including the appropriate study responses).
En 12 Reading for Thursday, 9 Sept.
Please have Chapter 2 read for Thursday. Don't forget to give page citations for your study guide responses. We will be using the COW laptops to write our first readers' responses on Thursday. If you wish to be keeners, you can do a little extra reading on Stalin and his management of the USSR. Orwell's references to three-year plans and the like will then make more sense to you - Wikipedia should suffice.
En 10 Reading for Thursday, 9 Sept
You did well during our first lesson with The Catcher in the Rye. Please be sure to have Chapter 2 read for Thursday. I'll be checking your study guides for entries. You should expect a brief reading check (quiz) for Chapter 1-2.
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