Friday, September 17, 2010

SS 11 Assignment due Tuesday, Sept 17

Please have Exercises 8 and 9 done before Tuesday's class.  Also, remember to prepare for the parliament quiz that I am allowing you to re-do (if you wish).  Finally, please don't forget that the novel must be read for En 11, by Monday.  Enjoy your weekend.

English 12 Monday, 20 September Assignment

Please have Chapter 8 of Part Two read prior to Monday's class.  Also, please add a comment to this post. It can be a reflection, prediction, reaction, or what have you.  Enjoy your weekend.

English 10 Monday, 20 September Assignment

Thanks, those of you who shared ideas in class today during our discussion of Holden's character.  I was very satisfied with the quality of the topic sentences you shared at the end of class; most were right on the mark (remember that a topic sentence often begs a question as a way to create interest).

Please have Chapters 11 - 13 read prior to Monday's class.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

English 12 Friday, 17 September Assignment

Wow - what a great discussion about the direction the school could take.  Thanks again, for helping me reground myself (vent).

Please add a comment to the blog detailing a response to what we discussed.  Aim for about five sentences and I encourage you to consider speaking directly to what someone else says or has said.

Thanks for keeping up with your homework; I really appreciate your commitment to the course.

English 10 Friday, 17 September Assignment

Please read Chapters 9 and 10 before Friday's class.  You are also expected to make brief notes in your study guide booklets.  I also suggest you take note of the novel page numbers where you find the answers to the questions.  I will be giving you a short quiz to check your reading.

En 11 Assignment for Monday, 20 Sept.

Please ensure that you have finished reading The Old Man and the Sea, and have completed your study guide questions before Monday's class.  We will be reviewing the questions together and starting our discussions of the novel as a whole and completing some more writing assignments.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

En 10 Reading for Thursday, 16 Sept

Good work on the rubrics today.  Thanks for your attention.  Please ensure that you have read Chapters 7-8 before next class.

En 12 Reading for Thursday, 15 Sept.

Please read Chapters 1-2 in Part 2 before Thursday's class

English 12 Tuesday, 14 September Assignment

It was nice to see you all so focused in your writing today - we're all a bit rusty - don't forget to edit your work.

1.  Please complete your "Winston's World" paragraphs for Wednesday's class.
2.  Be prepared to write a Part One reading quiz.
3.  No reading or blogging required unless you wish to get a head start on Part Two.

En 11 Assignment for Thursday, 15 Sept.

Thanks for your quiet writing today.  Please ensure you have a "Page 11 Paragraph" to hand in at the start of Thursday's class if you've not already done so.

Also, please read and answer Part Four of the novel (pp 97-120).

Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

English 10 Tuesday, 14 September Assignment

1.  Any homework not in by tomorrow will have to be done at lunch.

2.  Add a comment to this post in response to the rubric development lesson we did today.  You should indicate the relative value of participating in the process that will be used to evaluate your blogging, as well as the relative value of the blogging itself.  Your comment should be about five sentences long.

Monday, September 13, 2010

SS 11 Assignment due Sept 17

1. Please complete worksheet #7 (from the Falk workbook).
2. I suggest you review the parliament PPT and preview the elections PPT.

En 10 Example and Assignment

See the sample we did in class today.  Please read Chapter 5 and 6 for homework.