Friday, December 10, 2010

En 10: Notes from Friday 10 Dec

Today we did a writing pre-write activity on Henry V's leadership and ways that the American civil rights leader, Rosa Parks, may be thematically connected to Henry.  We will start writing on Monday; please remember to practice your parts for the play.

Enjoy the weekend.

En 12: Notes from 10 Dec

Today we organized the extra (optional) novel study and discussed the end of Act 3.  We also looked at some questions that I normally assign as an in-class writing "test" (I'm getting soft - and lazy).  Please find reading parts for Act 4.  Those missed can make it up in Act 5.  Please have all of Act 4 read for Monday; I may give you a reading quiz - it's almost time for a rest, but please hang in there until the 17th.

Have a nice weekend.

En 12: Extra Novel Study: Notes from 10 Dec

We decided to do both "The Fallen" and "OFOTCN" as "extra credit" novel studies.  I don't know how much extra credit I can give - if you're just doing this for extra marks, it might not be the most fruitful exercise for you; I'm participating so that those interested can have an "enriched" course.  Students will participate in a "student-directed," Internet-based discussion forum that will be designed by Rowan.  I will participate as a guest.  I will also be able to design some prompts for a culminating writing activity if you decide that's what you'd like.  We also decided to build in some reading progress deadlines to ensure that this endevour is completed before exam preparation begins.  I will contact Ms. Brindley to get permission to buy some copies of the novel.

En 11-1: From Friday, 10 Dec

Today we acted out the murder of Banquo and saw how much easier it is to understand what is going on when we imagine the scene in the context of action on stage.  I thought the performances were quite good.

Please remember to practice you lines before class so you can do the best job possible when you read for us.  I'm trying not to boss manage you, but the group's general lack of effort in getting assignments done is testing me.  I too, am ready for a break, but that doesn't start until Dec 17.

Please remember, also, it is your responsibility to post journal comments to the blog.  If you ever have technical difficulty, do your entry on paper and bring it to class.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Special English 12 post re: extra-credit novel study

This is one of the proposed novels:,,9780143012207,00.html

The other choice would be:

Let me know - time is running out.


SS 11: Notes from Thursday, 9 Dec

We did our second big unit test today - it will be a good measure of how you're doing.  We spent lots of time on WW1, but I wanted to give you some depth, rather than just covering a lot of factoids.  Next week we will discuss the Paris Peace Conferences of 1919.  We'll also look at some of the other post-war events connected to Canada's growing autonomy.

Please read pp. 72-73 in you workbook and the photocopies in your post-WW1 study package prior to Monday's class.  You will also need the Paris Peace worksheets that you completed prior to your exam.

Enjoy your weekends

En 12: Notes from Thursday, 9 Dec

I thought the readings of Act III, scenes iii-iv were very well done: there were few mispronounced words and those who read were able to put some good emotion into their parts - bravo.

I hate shortened blocks - I had hoped to finish our discussion of Act III and look towards Act IV (which has many short scenes - ask yourself what dramatic effect these short scenes would have).  We'll assign reading parts for the last two acts, tomorrow.  I've decided to come in so that we can move forward - it's a sick person who feels he can't be replaced (pardon the pun).

I'm worried that some people are going to lower their grades because they're not doing their journal blogging?  Any ideas?  Am I being too paternalistic?  HELP.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

En 11-1: Parts for Friday, 10 Dec

Just in case we get there, please prepare the following parts for reading on Friday:

Scene 4:
Macbeth: Ashley
Lady M: Emma
Ross: Mike
Lennox: Brandon

Scene 5:
First Witch: Angie
Hecate: Chelsea

Scene 6:
Lennox: Jake
Lord: Ben

En 11-2: Notes from Wednesday, 8 Dec

Today we took some time away from Macbeth to address our social responsibility as members of our class.  On that point, we watched a 10-minute lecture on the future of education (or at least one man's view of it).  I hope you all had reason to think during, and afterwords.  Here are our next reading parts:

For Friday Act III, scenes 1 - 6, please read and be prepared to present your character (if you have trouble pronouncing any words - see me; you can also check out No Fear Shakespeare to help you understand what's going on in the scene (is the character happy, mad, afraid, etc?):

Scene 1:
Banquo: Liz
Macbeth: Madison
Lady Macbeth: Samantha
First Murderer: Shyla
Second Murderer: Luke

Scene 2:
Lady Macbeth: Courtney
Servant: Samantha
Macbeth: Savannah

Scene 3:
First Murderer: Cody
Second Murderer: Quinn
Third Murder: Gus
Banquo: Sam 

Scene 4:
Macbeth: Khoya
Lady M: Kari
Murderer: Austin
Ross: Joel
Lennox: Carson

Scene 5:
First Witch: Amber
Hecate: Liz

Scene 6:
Lennox: Madison
Lord: Stephanie

Good luck.

En 10: Notes from 8 Dec

Today we reviewed the Act 2 homework from last class.  We also read and discussed the first two scenes from Act 3.  Please write a summary of Act 3, Scenes i-ii and hand in on Friday.  It should be a half page to one page in length.  Be sure to explain the motivation (or reasons) for any character's actions.

We will try to finish reading Act 3 on Friday.  We will be acting out Scene 3.

En 10: From Wednesday, 8 Dec

Today we watched the second and third part of the documentary; I can't find it on You Tube, but this will give you the idea:

We practiced our parts - see yesterday's comment to remind yourself what you're supposed to be doing.  Practice, practice, practice.  Use cue cards if they will help. 

We'll watch the rest of the documentary tomorrow.  Then we will get ready to write.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

English 12: Notes from 7 Dec

Today we read and then viewed samples of the "To be or not to be" speech.  If you missed the class check out this speech on YouTube by these guys:
Kenneth Brannagh, Laurence  Olivier, Mel Gibson, and, Kevin Klein.  We had a discussion about suicide in society and Taylor noted that suicide would cause problems for Hamlet in terms of his being a Christian - good work, Taylor.  Next, we did a paired reading activity designed to give understanding into the nature of the debate that Hamlet has with himself as he ponders his choice.

Here are the parts for Act 3: (student, scene to read)

King:               Rebecca (i),   Taylor (ii),     Taylor (iii)
Queen:             Chloe (i),       Madison (ii),   ............................ Rebecca (iv)
Hamlet:           Rowan (i),     Aurora (ii),    Mitchell J. (iii),   Aurora (iv)
Polonius:         Lauren (i),      Michael (ii),   Hayley (iii),          Mitchell J. (iv)
Ophelia:          Aurora (i)
Horatio:           ....................... Travis (ii)
Rosencrantz:   Brittany (i),    James (ii),     Eileen (iii)
Guildenstern:   Madison (i),    Morgan (ii),   Brittany (iii)
First Player:   ........................ Lauren (ii)
Lucianus:        ........................ Hayley (ii)
Player King:   .........................Rowan (ii)
Player Queen: .........................Rebecca (ii)
Ghost:              .....................................................................Taylor (iv)


SS11: notes from Tuesday, 07 December

Today, we looked at using the SPERM-G acronym (memory aide made up of initials).  The "G" can stand for government or geography - it depends what helps best with the question under discussion.  The key is that you take time to use the acronym to help during the pre-writing stage - please don't just start writing or you risk completing an unorganized and incomplete response.  We did a practice brain storm on the topic of "conscription."

We also examined the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary evidence/sources.  On your exam you can expect to be asked to interpret a primary document (a photo).  Follow these steps:
a) i.d. the source as primary or secondary (a stand alone photo on the test is considered a primary doc)
b) what is it and where is it from
c) what is it discussing/showing
d) what exactly do you read about or see (it's okay to give things you "suppose" or "logically conclude;" it's okay to say "Perhaps..."
e) what is the "so what?" for this piece - make connections.

We did a sample examination on a primary source (a photo) from the Battle of the Somme.

Your test is on Thursday - it will be 50 minutes long - STUDY, STUDY, AND STUDY.

En 10: Notes from Tuesday, 7 Dec

Today, we filled out the writing logs with the St. Crispin's speech paragraph information.  Next, we divided into two troupes and chose parts to perform a 15-minute version of the play.  We then read through the play a few times and practiced our parts.  Finally, we watched the first ten minutes of a five part documentary on the real battle at Agincourt.  The information from the documentary will help us write our next piece that is focused on Henry V's leadership.  This is designed to allow us to practice blending information from multiple sources - something you will be doing on your provincial exam, only 25 classes from now.

Few of you are posting comments to the blog after your Shakespeare classes - this will lower your unit mark since the blog is filling the role of a journal.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Eng 12: From Monday, 6 December

Today, I returned the Polonius' advice paragraphs; they were quite good.  If anyone wishes, he or she may rewrite (after some help?) the paragraph and submit it for remarking.

We finished reading the longest scene in the play (II,ii); I always find the second half drags a bit until the soliloquy at the end.  Any thoughts on that?  Is that Shakespeare showing off the prowess of the actors' intellect or is it more valuable?  Does it establish mood for the upcoming scene?  If so, consider the role of Polonius' interruptions.

Please remember to post a comment.  Have a nice afternoon and thanks for your quickly prepared dramatic readings today.  In general, I'd say, as I usually do, that most of us read the scenes too quickly - always ask: "where would some movement on stage logically interrupt the words?"

En 11-2: Notes from Monday, 6 December

Today we read and discussed Act II, sc iii-iv.  We reviewed some of the whacky things that occurred around the time of Duncan's death:

a) please write one brief paragraph outlining the weird occurrences from the following three scenes:
II, ii, 33
II, iii, 55-62 (or 36-43 in blue copies) Lennox is speaking
II , iv, 1-20

For homework, please answer the following from the student study package handouts:

b) Act 2 "Reading and Vocab. Check" - do the five questions from the top of the page and then match the 16 vocab. terms to their definitions.

c) do the ROUND BULLETED questions (there are seven of them) from the Act 2 question sheet at the back of the handout (leave the questions with the large square bullets).


En 11-1: Notes from Monday, 6 Dec

Today we answered the following from the student study package handouts:

a) Act 2 "Reading and Vocab Check" - do the five questions from the top of the page and then match the 16 vocab terms to their definitions.

b) do the ROUND BULLETED questions (there are seven of them) from the Act 2 question sheet at the back of the handout (leave the questions with the large square bullets).

c) make subtext notes on the handout with Macbeth and Banquo's conversation III, i, 1-51 (especially the lines we highlighted together).

d) look at Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1 and make one comment on Macbeth's thoughts/feelings for each of the following divisions of the speech:
lines 47-54
lines 54-60
lines 61-64
lines 64-72