Friday, January 6, 2012

SS 11: Friday, 6 Jan

Today we looked at the Depression.  We used the PPT as a guide for our discussion.  We learned how the stock market works and how the 1927 drop in wheat prices "telegraphed" the upcoming problems.  We saw how the Canadian response was limited when compared to the American New Deal.  We never did "blast our way onto world markets." Can you remember about the five cent piece?  For homework, I'd like you to read from both the text AND the workbook:

text: pp 82-91
workbook: pp 76-82 (review from today's lesson)
workbook: pp 77-85 (new information needed for Monday's pre-class quiz)

Enjoy your weekend.

(Remember you can review the PPT vis the Slideshare link on this blog).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

SS11: Thursday, 5 Jan

Today we heard your "labour songs;" I thought some of them showed a good connection to the history we've studied. 
We also reviewed the economic terms from Falks's Exercise #9.  If you missed that, it would be a good idea to connect with someone who was here and copy the notes = 2 minutes of work. 
We watched two episodes (farmers/Winnipeg General Stike) from the People's History series and then debriefed them. 
Finally, I assigned a 150 word (one-page) paragraph on the following prompt: Identify the features of 1920s Canada."  Basically, I am asking you to choose 3-5 items from the list at the beginning of Chapter Three of the workbook and then organize them into a "what/so-what" paragraph.  Don't be flowery: write a topic sentence and then write the facts as you see them.  Nate came up with a good opener.  It went something like this:

             When the soldiers returned from the First World War they hoped for success and promise but found then had more battles to fight.

A possible closer might be: 

             In spite of the difficulties there was hope, but it seemed to end when Black Tuesday signalled the beginning of the Great Depression.

We decided that four possible issues to cover would be (1) the Winnipeg General Stike - labour; (2) the Persons Case - women's rights; (3) technology: ex. cars, radios, telephones, washing machines; and, (4) inflation - the economy = primary vs. secondary industry - USA/branch plants.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

SS 11: Tuesday, 3 Jan

Today we discussed women in the eras before and after the First World War.  We noted changes in rights and freedoms.  One of the events that most clearly illustrates women's fight for equality was the 1929 Persons Case: please read the text (p. 60) section on this item and be prepared to discuss it in class.

We also discussed the labour movement in general,  and the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, in specific.  It is interesting to see how fearful the authorities were of "bolshevism" and how they saw labour as being linked to it.

Finally, we saw how trade and industry shifted towards the USA after the war.  Please read the text section on branch plants for homework.

Tomorrow we'll look at life in general in the 1920s.  I've got a table for you to complete - it is good for comparison.  Also, you will compose your labour movement songs to a catchy tune of your choice.