Tuesday, May 17, 2011

En 11: Writing Process Response

Please comment on the revision process we used with the LOTF re-write.  Please include your thoughts associated with metacognition involved in the process.


  1. i found that having to look at the essay again gave me a better look at what i wrote and allowed me to reformat my ideas into what i actually wanted to say

  2. i think that the re write helped me because it let me fix it with help and on my own so that i was able to make it better. while i wrote it again i was able to make stronger sentences and more detailed

  3. I found that rewriting the paragraph was very helpful. As i was writing i became more aware of improvements i would like to make in the future. I was very focused on sign posts and tense.

  4. I think it probably helped alot. I usually try and reread and edit it but with the notes on the paper i could see another persons opinion on what i could change. Plus with the writing groups was another opinion so that it was really filtered.

  5. I agree with the other 4 posts in that the rewrite seemed to really help me to form more solid ideas and make more connections between what I was trying to say and what the book says.

  6. The chance to re-write this paragraph gave me the chance to express my thoughts with more clarity and less awkwardness. The process hopefully brought my writing level up a few notches.
