Wednesday, April 6, 2011

En 11: Inquiry Response, Wednesday, 6 April

Please comment on the following prompt:

"What makes a good question?"


  1. something with a strong aruguement.

  2. With a strong statement...

  3. I think that a good question is a question where you actually need to have to take the time to think about it, and not just answer it right away.

  4. I feel like a good question is a statement that I can relate too. If you ask me something and I cant relate I don't feel like I can answer it at the level I know I can answer other questions.

  5. a good question is when yu have to think about it. not just being able to anwser the question without thinking about it

  6. A good question is one with an unknown answer that requires the use of your brain and research.

  7. having a clear voice.

  8. a good question is when it is worth answering

  9. A good question should spark thought and discussion.

  10. I think that a good question is one that requires a simple answer. Nobody likes to think more then they have to.

  11. A good question is something that may be answered in many different ways, a topic that can go all different directions to help anyone that needs to know. But nothing something super broad.

  12. Something that makes you really think and can be interpreted in different ways. It has to catch your eye and piques your interest.

  13. I agree with Allison and Khoya, a hood question is when it can be answered in many different ways. I like to think that these answers will be different because everyone thinks differently and considers things in different ways depending on their background or life experiences. Which is what sparks a discussion or conversation.

  14. Ok, Mr. Marshall i answered this exact question for English 12 please use that answer. thank you
