Today, we spent some time examining the differences between an English 12 and History 12 writing style. We noted how the latter must be rich in facts and very concise. We also discussed how long introductions are wasted on the History 12 final exam - I do still encourage the inclusion of a one or two sentence introduction. Thanks to those who shared examples of their "improved" sentences. Students who wish to resubmit their essay with a revised version, may; however, I expect more than just my teacher suggestions to be included.
We also watched the VHS (hey, there's history right there) tape titled "The Russian Revolution." We viewed details up to the March Revolution, of 1917. Tomorrow, we'll discuss the Stolypin era and the effect the Fundamental Laws had on the Duma promised by the October Manifesto. If we have time, we'll look at the political landscape in Russia.
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