Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SS 11: Notes from Wed, 19 Jan

Today we reviewed W.S. #5 and discussed extreme, or ultra, nationalism.  We also revisited what makes a good piece of history writing.  See the board notes for specific steps to outlining a paragraph on "Hitler and Germany in the inter-war period."  Students were given the option to revise their homework paragraphs before handing them in.  Next class, we will discuss the creation of the Soviet Union, as we move towards the Second World War.


  1. i was just wondering if you've marked my paper on hitler yet?

  2. Sorry, I've been marking En 10 and 12 essays and getting their final marks tabulated so they know where they stand prior to writing their provincials.

  3. What's the email I am to send my socials paragraph to?
